
Because I'm an Ezer Kenegdo

Genesis 2:18 says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" You may be wondering what this verse has to do with me. If you know me at all, you  know I started this blog because in a few days I am leaving for two years to live in South Asia. So this verse may seem like it really isn't that applicable, and I may be stretching it a little, but let me tell you why this blog is titled "Because I'm an Ezer Kenegdo" and I promise Genesis 2:18 will make a little bit more sense.

This word helper seen in Genesis 2:18 has somewhat become lost in translation. It is a word that has also been translated into helpmeet and over the years has become a way to describe a woman in reference to a man. The word helper in Hebrew is ezer kenegdo, and although I am not a biblical scholar, it seems to have a far greater meaning and translation than just helper.

Ezer mean "to help" and is used in the old testament by the Israelites to describe the desperate need for help from God. But this help is different than simply needing help making something or help doing something, it is a type of help that shows strength and kindness. It is a help that saves and rescues, a help that sounds pretty life changing. Kenegdo means counterpart or corresponding to, not something that is less or behind or underneath but rather something equal to. If you combine these two words you see a more literal translation of the words ezer kenegdo, a better translation would be "life-saving counterpart".

I am really starting to see myself as this ezer kenegdo I am realizing that I was created for a specific purpose, and maybe this is stretching it, but I see myself as a life-saving counterpart not only to man but to my Creator. My Creator is using me to be a counterpart to the work that is being done in South Asia and I am humbled by the opportunity. From the moment I was created I was being called to be my God's life-saving counterpart and thats what I am going to do, not only in South Asia, but from now on I will live for this greater purpose and that's Because I'm an Ezer Kenegdo.