My beautiful brothers and sisters,
You have probably realized this, but in our family we don't all have the same skin color. I am white, you are not, and because of this you are probably going to experience life differently than me. As hard as it is for some people to admit to, we live in a world where skin color affects the way people treat you. You see, there are people in this world who believe they are better or should be better because they are white. And your'e going to meet these people in your life time and your'e going to be told you are "less", or be treated as "less" simply because you don't have the same skin color as them. You are probably going to be misjudged and a lot of people are going to assume you are one way just by the way you look. Its not fair, but it's a reality.
I see these things happening on the news, people being misjudged and oppressed, I see the racism and my heart aches for you already. The truth is, I have never experienced what you are going to live through, and I never will. We have the same parents, we live in the same city, we will all get the same education, but our lives will be different.
So Kassidy, Gabriella, Brianna, Reyna, Jayden and Jacob;
I pray you will love who you are, no matter what other people say , do or think.
I pray you will take a stand when you aren't being treated as the person next to you.
I pray you will walk with your head held high, knowing you are created by the same creator as every person around you.
I pray you will accept everyone no matter who they are because you would want the same thing for yourself.
I pray you will forgive those who hurt you, and you will pray for those who oppress you.
I pray you grow as women and men of God, knowing that "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus"
But mostly I pray that one day you will live in a world where we are all different colors but rejoice in the difference and love each other for exactly who we are.
Love, your sister,