
Stepping into Peace

South Asia is a very loud place. The car horns and the venders yelling and the random music coming from different directions, it all fits together perfectly to be loud. I wish there was a better word to describe it because honestly I just can't put it into words, it's just full of noise and its not necessarily bad but it's definitely new to me. 

That is why the new reoccurring theme in my life here has been pretty surprising. Who would have thought that in all this chaos I would experience peace. In all the transitioning, in all the busyness, in all the noise I have felt peace, peace like never before. 

A lot of conversations with women here begin with asking about the religion they practice, we talk about the way they worship and what they feel after. We ask "do you have peace after you pray"? And usually they say "yes I do". But we continue that conversation by asking "how long does that peace last" and when they tell us "until I need to pray again" we get to share our testimony. We get to explain the peace we always feel because of a Savior who has loved us so much. But we also get to tell them the amazing examples of peace Jesus shows us in the bible, we see so many people being saved and being told to go in peace, we see examples like the bleeding woman and the woman with the alabaster jar who are told 

"Your faith has saved you, go in peace."

Peace is not something I have really ever dwelt on before, its crazy because it is in many places in scripture yet to me it has always been this word that was too abstract for me to understand but as I step into the the loud streets that constantly surround me I realize I am also stepping into peace, because its always there. This overwhelming peace in knowing I am right where I need to be, right in the middle of the car horns and the music, the overwhelming peace in knowing I am a beloved daughter, and an overwhelming peace in knowing no matter where I go I can share that peace. 

Peace, what a concept.